... sometimes so tall that you can barely see the sky through the canopy of trees...
... sometimes so small that you can walk around it in a few steps.
It always welcomes and soothes you.
(You feel indescribably happy and excited to be here!)
Do you:
[[Raise your head and look for unexpected changes->top]]
[[Casually stroll along the path->walk]]You notice with curiosity new tropical plants hanging from the ceiling in former bird cages and cascading down. Maybe they won't be here next time?
You're now hesitating to:
[[Water the bonsai trees->bonsai]]
[[Walk on the grass->grass]]Your hand glides over the leaves as you walk and you smile as you feel their moisture on your fingertips.
You think of:
[[... morning grass in summer->summer1]]
[[... secret memories->memories]]Summer memories: long days of fun without responsibilities!
[[That was great->next]]Walking through the pathways, you feel the cool stone underfoot.
You notice:
[[Vines spiraling on a staircase->library]]
[[Paper lanterns glowing softly->bed]]You take off your shoes, and very gently place your bare feet on the grass.
(Oh, it's slightly cool!)
You hesitate to walk on the moss: won’t you damage it with your steps?
[[It’s okay, it’s friendly moss!->moss]]It's so soft! The moss molds to the underside of your foot, slipping between your toes.
Eyes closed, you enjoy:
[[The sound of the river->sndwater]]
[[A light breeze rustling the tree leaves->sndtrees]]While listening to the water flowing, you feel like you're being carried away by the current.
[[Zzzz->end]]Rustling leaves around you... and silence... you wait for the leaves to sing again.
[[Zzzz->end]]You sink into the comfy armchair. You're ready to stay here forever!
[[You feel inspired->draw]]
[[You read a book->read]]Remember that wherever you are, the greenhouse welcomes you. You can stay there whenever you need to clear your mind.
(You've reached ending 1/3)
[[Restart->preambule]]Behind the staircase, plants invade the shelves of a small library, next to an old leather armchair.
[[You sit down->fauteuil]]It's been a long time since a book hasn't made you smile.
[[Good choice->end]]"Konichiwa!", say the bonsais trees.
[[K... konichiwa?!->bonsai2]]Enjoy your memories for as long as you want and come back when you're ready.
[[(I'm happy that you took time for them)->next]] Do you like to draw? Maybe you would prefer to write or compose music? Either way, the greenhouse reminds you how inspirng nature is.
You dedicate a long time to your art and it fills you with joy.
(That's the purpose of art!)
You decide to give more attention to nature in your everyday life.
(You've reached ending 2/3)
[[Restart->preambule]]In a cozy corner of the greenhouse, a plush bed is nestled amidst the greenery.
[[Lie down->sleep]]
[[Look through the window->window]]The trees in the park stretch as far as the eye can see and the sky blushes gently at the horizon.
It was a beautiful day.
(You've reached ending 3/3)
[[Restart->preambule]](no answer)
[[continue->next]]The greenhouse is never the same twice.